studied at the Rotterdam Dance Academy in the Netherlands and took theatre courses in Azzano, Wiesbaden and New York. Nowadays she is a guest teacher at the Codarts University of Arts in Rotterdam and works as movement coach and director with the Netherlands Children and Youth Choir. She is also conductor and teacher in workshops at numerous festivals, as in several editions of Europa Cantat, Eurotreff and Choralies. Since ten years she continues to develop her method “Voice & Physique”. It is about supporting the voice by creating physical awareness and a way to let movement contribute to the quality of singing. Panda van Proosdij teaches her method in master classes and workshops all over the world and creates choreographies for different choirs and their concerts, which have won them awards also at the World Choir Games. In 2014 her book “Voice & Physique” has been published.
Panda van Proosdij