The Christophorus Children’s Choir Altensteig makes about 15 appearances per school year, in its own district as well as beyond. Concert tours lasting several days have taken the children’s choir to Belgium, the Czech Republic, Spain, England and southern France. The choristers from Altensteig seek and value encounters with other treble choirs at home and abroad, experiencing the cultural and musical exchange as a great enrichment. In addition, the young singers enjoy taking part in festivals and competitions, thus increasing their motivation to maintain or even raise their musical standard. In this the choir has received several accolades at national and international level, e.g. at the European Youth Music Festival in Neerpelt/Belgium, the International Children’s Choir Festival in Halle, the Federal State Choral Competition Baden-Württemberg and the German Choral Competition in Weimar. Since 2011, the children’s choir regularly participates in the EUROTREFF.
Christophorus Children’s Choir Altensteig