The “Associazione Piccoli Cantori di Torino”, founded in 1972 by the famous children’s choir, opened a music school in 1987 that is now home to 300 young students and numerous choir formations throughout Turin. From this pool of singers comes the youth choir Giovani Cantori di Torino, which was founded in 2012 and currently consists of about 50 young people aged 14 to 21, led by an artistic team consisting of conductor Carlo Pavese, pianist Gianfranco Montalto and singing teacher Marcella Polidori. Recently, the choir has further expanded the variety of its activities, in close dialogue with other art forms, broadening the boundaries of the very concept of choir: It has recorded the sung parts of the anthology of a new music manual for secondary schools, created a vocal installation with the artist Marco Cordero and sang and walked the runway with great critical success for the Cormio brand during Milan Fashion Week.
Giovani Cantori di Torino